The popular host of “The Colbert Report,” Stephen Colbert, accompanied by a media swarm, sarcastically testified on Capitol Hill Friday about the conditions facing America’s undocumented farm workers. Colbert, in character, told members of a House Judiciary subcommittee that he hoped to bring attention to the workers’ hardships.
Colbert appeared with United Farm Worker’s president Arturo Rodriguez however most of the media attention was focused on Colbert. The chairwoman of the subcommittee, Democrat California Rep. Zoe Lofrgen, who invited Colbert, told CNN reporter before the hearing that she did not think Colbert’s appearance was a stunt.
Democrat, Michigan Rep. John Conyers, initially asked Colbert to leave the committee room and submit his written statement instead because he feared Colbert would create a “circus” atmosphere. Conyers later remarked Colbert, who engaged in a question-and-answer session with the subcommittee, actually turned out to be “profound.”
To read more and view a video clip of Colbert on Capitol Hill visit CNN at