Be wary of people who say they can help you file your paperwork. I have seen too many times serious errors on paperwork and heard stories from people who had their money taken and their paperwork not filed. It is worth your time and money to speak to an Immigration Attorney, they are the ONLY professionals capable of assisting you. Notarios, Immigration Consultants, Visa Specialists, Immigration Specialists, Paralegals, and your friends are NOT licensed professionals.
Every person’s story is different and every person’s situation is unique. Have your paperwork done the correct way the first time. If you have concerns about fees many times not-for-profit organizations can provide low-cost or no-cost aid to people who qualify.
If you believe you have fallen victim to a Notario, Immigration Consultant or other unlicensed person practicing law please call:
The Florida Attorney General complaint line: Toll-Free in Florida (866) 966-7226.
Outside Florida? Visit AILA InfoNet at for specific information about who to contact in your state.