With the opening day of the 112th Congress, Republicans filed a bill which denys automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. to undocumented immigrants.
This latest bill has been filed as a group of state lawmakers are trying to advance state legislation regarding birthright citizenship. Currently under the 14 Amendment any child born in the U.S. automatically acquires U.S. citizenship. If passed this bill would alter immigration laws to prevent children born to undocumented parents from obtaining U.S. birthright citizenship. Supporters argue eliminating automatic citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants removes an incentive for people to come to the U.S. without permission.
The bill’s chief sponsors include Iowa Rep. Steve King, who could soon be chairman of a House subcommittee that oversees immigration and citizenship. Pennsylvania Rep. Daryl Metcalfe said the proposals are a “calculated, strategic step” to force the issue into the courts. “We want to have our day in court,” said Arizona Rep. John Kavanagh. “All we’re asking for is for these bills to prompt the Supreme Court to re-evaluate what we believe is an erroneous interpretation of the 14th Amendment.”