Filing a Change of Address Form with USCIS?

USCIS announced as of April 1, 2011 Change of Address Forms should be mailed to the new filing location at:

Harrisonburg File Storage Facility
Attn:  AR-11
1344 Pleasants Drive
Harrisonburg, VA 22801


Change of address forms mailed to the old location will be forwarded to the new filing location beginning April 1, 2011 until April 28, 2011.

You also have the option of notifying USCIS of a change of address online at:  Change of Address on the Internet for USCIS.

Remember:  In addition to changing your address for a pending application the law requires that all non-U.S. citizens, except for holders of A or G visas, report a change of address within 10 days of moving.

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