President Obama to Hold a Meeting on Immigration Reform

President Obama has marshaled former California Governor Schwarzenegger, New York Mayor Bloomberg, San Antonio Mayor Castro and Philadelphia Police Commissioner Ramsey, who also served as Washington, D.C., police chief, and others in an attempt to show wide and varied support for an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws.

The invitees are among a bipartisan group expected to meet with Obama at the White House on Tuesday afternoon to discuss the importance of fixing the nation’s “broken immigration system” to meet the country’s 21st century economic and national security needs.

President Obama has been under fire from immigration activists and Spanish-language media for failing to take up immigration in his first term. He has been consistently reminded of his campaign promise to address immigration early in his administration.  President Obama has repeatedly said he is committed to an immigration overhaul but the deportation of a record 393,000 immigrants in the last year and other enforcement tactics during his administration have left his supports questioning the sincerity of his promise.

To read the original article please visit the Miami Herald.


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